Monday, 28 February 2011

Hello again!

SO the Carnevale day we had at school was epic just as predicted. I went in armed with a super soaker and a backpack full of water ballons but that was no match for ten teenage boys running at me with a bucket full of water each....brrr! Everyone was sufficiently soaked with minimal injuries, although I did have to give poor Benjamin a long cuddle because he was so confused as to what was happening and why he was getting splashed. We also had a great celebration that day in which a tree is cut down and then replanted (?) with lots of little presents tied to the branches. Everyone dances round the tree (very danish :p) while a couple dance together in the middle, then the boy takes an axe(!!!! health and safety!) and takes a couple swings at the tree. A new couple then enters the circle and the dance begins again. This lasted quite a while and everyone got a turn at chopping down the tree before it finally fell and the children descended on it in a frenzy scrabbling to get the best presents. It was a lovely day and all the children were pleased with what they got, which was fantastic. The following day was the last day of summer school

:( The children performed each play and dance so well, and at the end all the teachers and staff were invited on stage to dance along to the routine, that was not quite as smooth, haha! Then there was a slight panic in the kitchen as we frantically tried to preare a HUGE traditional peruvian meal of Beef, potato, Yucca, corn etc for SIXTY children.......omg. That was an experience man.... After the meal goodbyes were exchanged between the children and teachers, some children asked ´will you here next year?´ Ahh....if only I could be. That night Maggie and I hopped on a bus up to Cusco where we had a very lively weekend, Australians man....they party hard, haha. It was almost too much for me to handle but I managed somehow. Monday we started our work painting the Rainbow house which proved to be a bit of a challenge with six children running amok with pĂ intbrushes. It was quite a tiring day, I don´t remember ever shouting at the children so much; ¨PUT THE BRUSH DOWN¨ ¨GO PLAY OUTSIDE¨ by four o´clock I was ready for a beer, so was Maggie so thats what we did. That became a little routine throughout the week. On Thursday we started work on the Rainbow Centre so now it is looking quite fresh with bright colours. Our new coordinator Laura also brightend up the animals buying collars for the school cat and dog, very cute. On Friday we sadly had to bid farewell to Maggie. Needless to say that I didn´t remain dry-faced during this farewell, I got quite attached to Maggie as she reminded me quite a bit of Denmark, the lifestyle and my friends back there so it was very difficult to see her go. The volunteer house is quite empty now with Maggie gone, and also David and Laura have found a little flat not too far away so they´ve flown the nest. Soon Gerry and Andy will be saying goodbye too :( sad sad. We all have such a laugh together. Caroline is still here though, which is excellent! This weekend Caroline and I went up to Pisac for a little bit of shopping, and I was supposed to go dancing with Arson, a Peruvian friend but was feeling a bit ill so that didn´t happen. On Sunday Gerry, Andy and I went on a four hour hike up the the Inca salt pans (Salines) which are absolutely breathtaking. They were built by the Incas but are still functioning today and they cover an impressive stretch off the mountainside. We then continued up to the village of Morais before returing to Urubamba. Caroline wisely opted to sit out on this little adventure.

Today in school was more painting and updating a few things for Laura, more of the same tomorrow. Then Wednesday off to the fourday Inca trail!!!!!!! At FIVE IN THE MORNING! No I´m sure it´ll be amazing. Lots to see! Lots to walk!

I´ll try and post some pictures soon, its just that I can´t seem to find a working USB port in all of Urubamba. But will try!

Lots of love to everyone, keep writing to me its great to here from my various homes around the world.

Take care,

Harness lots of good Karma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace and love people!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So lovely to hear what's been happening in my absence. Sounds like you've been having so much fun without me....especially the weekends in Cusco....mmmmm....what have you been getting up to? Please say hi to everyone there for me and tell them I'm missing them all terribly. And please tell Eli I'll see her next week in London!! I'm sure the Inca Trail will be a wonderful experience. Can't wait to hear all about it. Lots of love Susan xxxx